A study on 36 cases of gastric carcinoma penetrating muscle(in moderate phase)was
made by means of the pathologic methods.The results showed that the papillary
adenocarcinoma, well differentiated tubular adenocarci- noma, moderately differentiated one,
poorly differentiated one and mucous adenocarcinoma account for 2.8%,30.5%,25.0%,30.5%and
11.1%of the totalcases respectively.The carcinomas invaded the muscle's superficial partwere
41.7%of the 36 cases and 58.3% the deeper part.The lymphocytesinfiltration in the stroma was
moderate in 27.8%and marked in 8.3%ofthese cases.The fibrosis of the stroma was moderate in
22.2%and markedin 5.6%of the group.The metastasis of peristomach lymph nodes tookplace in
43.3%of these cases.The duration of surival in postoperationwas 4.6±2.9 years in averaga.The
5-year-survival rates in the cases withmetastasis and non-metastasis were 30.8%and
64.7%respectively.A briefdiscussion was given on the feature and significance of gastric
carcinomain moderate phase.
Journal of Ningxia Medical College