The recovery of pituitary-ovarian function was studied in 15 women after discontinuation of monthly injectable contraceptive-combined norethisterone enanthate 50mg ( Co.NET-OEN, 50mg NET OEN plus 5mg E. V.) for 2-3 years medication. The results show that the first and the second midcycle LH peak restored during 56.0 (47-67) and 84.0 (77-92) days aider the last injection respectively in 15 / 15 and 14 / 15 women. The mean peak level of the former was 21.0 IU / L and the latter 31.4 IU / L. FSH levels were low and steady. Its surge revealed leisurely in association with the second LH peak. A broad endogenous E2 peak was observed at 37 (31-44) days after the last injection, the maximal level was 1241 (1032-1491) pmol / L in all eases. The second and third (preovulatory) E2 levels were 1083 (873-1343) and 1093 (825-1467) pmol/ L occurred at 65 (59-72) and 90 (85-95) days in 14 / 15 and 10/ 15 cases after the last injection respectively. The first ovulatory rise in progesterone (39.0 nmol / L) occurred between 43.0 and t08 (mean 74.6) days after the last injection in 14/15 cases. It suggests that the restoration of ovulation and formation of corpus luteum were presented. It is concluded that there is no long term inhibitor), action of the drug on the pituitary ovarian function, even in women who have received Co.NET-OEN 50 mg for 2-3 years.