我国经济过热的根本致因在于人们渴望早日“小康”与国内资源相对匮乏之间的矛盾。其主要表现是: 全面高热、投资拉动、重复建设。为此提出五条对策: 严肃整顿土地市场; 汰劣; 坚持抵制奢縻建设之风; 制定优惠政策, 力促国民经济薄弱环节发展; 大力发展劳务输出。
The essential cause of the over-heated economy in our country is that the contradiction between the will that people want to be comparatively well-off as soon as possible and vesources being raletively deficient. It mainly shows as making the investment to pulling and repeated construction. So the auther raised five countermeasures: 1. restructuring the land market seriously. 2. eliminating inferior enterprises. 3. containing the wind of extravagant and wasteful construction firmly. 4.bringing about an advance in weak link of national economy in a more cost-effective manner, and making the preferential policies. 5. developing export of labour services in a more cost-effective way
over-heated economy
to make the investment to pull
repeated construction
export of labour services