产业集群理论在国外发展较早,它是指在一个区域范围内,生产某种产品的若干个同类企业,为这 些企业配套的上下游企业以及相关的服务业,高密度地聚集在一起,它具有发挥区域经济核心优势推动区域 经济整体发展,有利于中小企业的快速成长,有利于资源的合理配置,有助于促进竞争等优势。
The theory of industrial conglomerate, which appeared early abroad, means that in certain region many enterprises of same kind which manufacture certain products closely with related enterprises and services join together for some certain product. It has many advantages, i.e. it brings the kernel advantage of regional economy into full play, pushes the whole regional economy forward, helps mid-size and small-size enterprises to develop quickly, benefits rational rearrangement of resources, and promotes competition, etc.