本文简要地介绍了平衡计分卡的由来及其特点 ,就平衡计分卡中各指标权重和分值的计算作了进一步的说明 ,通过平衡计分卡在一煤炭加工企业的应用实例 ,详细地展示了平衡计分卡的设置 ,指标评价过程 ,以及由此得出的结论。
Firstly,the article introduces the origin and characteristic of the Balanced Score Card.And then explain the calculation of the index ,s proportion and the score of the balanced score card.Lastly,through the application of the balanced score card in a coal process enterprise,the article brings forth the way to set the balance score card and the process of the index appraise,and then lead to the conclusion.
Inner Mongolia Coal Economy