采用电位平均表面增强拉曼散射(PASERS)新方法研究二巯基嘧啶(2MP)在不同电极电位下与银电极的作用,PASERS 谱的获得是在快速调制两个电极电位的同时记录 SERS 谱。研究表明2MP在—1.1V 以正的电极电位下,通过硫原子以竖立方式作用于银电极表面,在—1.1V 以负的电位下发生电化学还原反应。
Potential averaged SERS (PASERS) as an unique method has been applied in studying interaction of 2—mercaptopyrimidine (2MP)with silver electrodes at various potentials.The PASERS spectra were obtained by modulating two electrode potentials rapidly while recording the SERS spectra.It has been shown that 2MP was adsorbed perpendiculally to the surface via its sulphur atom at the potentials positive of—l.IV (SCE).At more negative potentials 2MP was electrochemically reduced.
The Journal of Light Scattering