针对入世后我国中小货代公司面临的更为严峻的市场竞争环境和目前存在的问题 ,依据货代市场营销的特点 ,从战略的角度提出了中小货代企业的营销战略定位 ;同时 ,从经营方式、运作体系、关系营销、连锁经营等方面阐述了中小货代企业运营模式的转化策略。
After entering WTO, the small and medium-sized freight transportation enterprises of our country face more severe competition environment. This text is to the question that the small and medium-sized enterprises of our country exist while running at present. According to the characteristics of freight transportation marketing, the author makes a reservation strategically and gives the transformation tactics for the small and medium-sized freight transportation enterprises.
Journal of Dalian Maritime University(Social Science Edition)