This article examines, from a dynamicperspective, thegeneralsituation ofthedevelopment oftheSouth Korean directinvestmentinChina since1992when thetwocountriesestablished diplomaticrelations.It probesinto manycharacteristicsoftheSouth Korean directinvestment in China: itslatestartyetrapid rise, the smaller averagevalueofKorean project investments, the accelerated process of localization by large South Korean enterprises in China, the diversified industrial distribution, and the wide-ranging geographical layout. It analyses reasonsforthe rapid increase in South Koreaninvestment in China:theuse of China’slow- priced production factors, the South Korean enterprises’ direct entry into the Chinese market, and the stable investment environment with fewer labour disputes that China provides. This article finally also proves that South Korean enterprises have achieved satisfactory results from their direct investment in China.