This paper describes the electroless Ni or Cu plating of some fiuoropolymer substrates through a tin-free activation process. Materials subjected to surface metallization are commercial Teflon() FEP, Nafion(), ACLAR() and LaRCTM-CP1 thin films which have recently gained a large scientific and technological interest due to their excellent thermal, chemical, mechanical and dielectric properties. The original approach implemented in the present work involves: (i)the grafting of nitrogen-containing functionalities on the polymer surfaces through plasma treatments in ammonia, (ii) the direct catalysis of the so-modified surfaces via their immersion in a simple acidic PdCl2 solution (i.e. without using a prior surface sensitization in an acidic SnCl2 solution), and finally (iii) the electroless metallization itself. However, prior to the immersion in the industrial plating baths, the chemical reduction of the Pd+2 species (species covalently tethered on the nitrogen-containing groups) to metallic palladium (PdO) is shown to be a key factor in catalyzing the electroless deposition initiation. This is made by immersion in an hypophosphite (H2PO2-) solution. Wettability measurements and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) experiments are used to characterize every surface modification step of the developed process. A cross-hatch tape test was used to asses the adhesion strength of the electroless films that is shown qualitatively good. In addition, a fragmentation test was developed in combination with electrical measurements. Its use allows to distinguish different adhesion levels at the metal/polymer interface and to evidence the influence of some processing parameters.
This paper describes the electroless Ni or Cu plating of some fluoropolymer substrates through a tin-free activation process. Materials subjected to surface metallization are commercial Teflon FEP, Nafion , ACLAR and LaRC?-CPl thin films which have recently gained a large scientific and technological interest due to their excellent thermal, chemical, mechanical and dielectric properties. The original approach implemented in the present work involves: (i) the grafting of nitrogen-containing functionalities on the polymer surfaces through plasma treatments in ammonia, (ii) the direct catalysis of the so-modified surfaces via their immersion in a simple acidic PdCl2 solution (i.e. without using a prior surface sensitization in an acidic SnQ2 solution), and finally (iii) the electroless metallization itself. However, prior to the immersion in the industrial plating baths, the chemical reduction of the Pd+2 species (species covalently tethered on the nitrogen-containing groups) to metallic palladium (Pd ) is shown to be a key factor in catalyzing the electroless deposition initiation. This is made by immersion in an hypophosphite (H2PO2~) solution. Wettability measurements and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) experiments are used to characterize every surface modification step of the developed process. A cross-hatch tape test was used to asses the adhesion strength of the electroless films that is shown qualitatively good. In addition, a fragmentation test was developed in combination with electrical measurements. Its use allows to distinguish different adhesion levels at the metal/polymer interface and to evidence the influence of some processing parameters.
Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment
Ni electroless plating, Cu electroless plating, Polymer surfaces, Plasma surface treatment, Surface functionalization, Surface catalysis, Surface analysis (XPS), Adhesion testing.