
微囊化异种许旺细胞移植修复脊髓损伤的研究与进展(英文) 被引量:3

Research and progressions on transplantation of microencapsulated hetero-schwan n cells in repair of spinal cord injury
摘要 目的:神经组织移植治疗脊髓损伤已成为医学研究的一大热点。具有许旺细胞的周围神经损伤后,能有一定的修复能力。但是同种神经组织移植存在供体来源受限和供体损伤的限制;异种神经组织移植存在免疫抑制和排斥反应。微囊技术是一种良好的免疫隔离手段,探讨用微囊化处理的异种神经组织移植治疗脊髓损伤能否降低免疫排斥反应、解决供体来源问题,以便为临床治疗脊髓损伤提供了新的途径。资料来源:应用计算机检索medline1984-01/2004-10关于脊髓损伤研究方面的相关文章,检索词“Schwanncells,transplantation,xenogenic,spinalcordinjury,并限定文章语言为English。同时计算机检索中国临床《康复》杂志2002-01/2004-10的相关文章,限定文章语言为中文,检索词“许旺细胞,移植,异种,脊髓损伤”。限定自由词为“微囊化”及“大鼠”。资料选择:选择有关脊髓损伤修复的中外研究原著性文献30篇,排除非随机研究原著性文献,未排除非盲法研究原著的文献。资料提炼:30篇关于脊髓损伤修复的文献,22篇符合标准,排除的8篇关于脊髓损伤修复的文献因是重复的同一研究。对剩余22篇关于脊髓损伤修复的文献进行分类整理,予以综述。资料综合:轴突再生障碍是脊髓损伤导致永久性残疾的主要原因。随着研究的深入,人们发现把具有许旺? OBJECTIVE:Neural tissue transplantation has been a hot topic in medical resear ches on treatment of spinal cord injury.It provides a certain action on repair o f peripheral neural injury in which schwann cell contained.But homo transplanta tion of neural tissue is limited at the provider source and provider injury and hetero transplantation of neural tissue exists immune inhibition and rejection. Microencapsulated technology is a kind of satisfactory immune isolation means.Wh ether microencapsulated hetero transplantation of neural tissue reduces immunol ogical rejection and deals with provider source is probed into so as to provide a new channel for clinical treatment of spinal cord injury. DATA SOURCES:By computer retrieval system,the relevant papers on the researche s on spinal cord injury were looked up medline 1984-01/2004-10,limiting at the referred word “schwann cells,transplantation,xenogenic,spinal cord injury' in English.Simultaneously,the relevant papers were looked up by the computer on Zho ngguo Linchuang Kangfu 2002-01/2004-10, focusing on the referred word “Schwan n cells,transplantation, heterogenous,spinal cord injury' in Chinese;and the fre e words were limited at “microencapsulated' and “rat'. DATA SELECTION:Totally 30 papers were selected on the original literatures on researches on repair of spinal cord injury at home and abroad.The original liter atures on non randomized researches were excluded and those on non blind resea rches were not excluded. DATA EXTRACTION:Of 30 papers on repair of spinal cord injury, 22 papers compil ed with the standards,8 papers on repair of spinal cord injury were excluded bec ause of the repeated same research. The rest 22 papers on repair of spinal cord injury were classified for summarization. DATA SYNTHESIS:Axonal regenerative disturbance is the main factor to the persi stent disablement resulting from spinal cord injury. It was discovered by the th orough researches that the transplantation of schwann cell contained peripheral nerve can promote spinal cord repair,but in which,the immunological rejection ex isted.Microencapsule is an immune isolation carrier.The application of microenca psulated technology in repair of spinal cord injury will benefit the spinal cord repair,and has been proved to greatly reduce immunological rejection. CONCLUSION:Since micro encapsule overcomes immunological rejection during his tiocyte transplantation,it is possible to apply hetero cells and genetic engine ering cells to treat diseases so as to solve the source deficiency of providers in homo transplantation of histiocyte and transplanting rejection.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期185-187,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30060034) 江西省自然科学基金(0140126)~~
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