OBJECTIVE:Adult stem cells(ASCs) have been applied to the rehabilitation of br ain injury for its capability of differentiation into neural cells both in vitro and in vivo,thereby to explore the feasibility of application of ASCs to the re habilitation of brain injury could provide prospective basis for clinical practi ce in brain functional recovery. DATA SOURCES:Relative articles were computer searched in Medline and PubMed b etween January 1998 and April 2004 ,with the key word of “stem cell,cerebral in jury, rehabilitation 'and language limited to English.Meanwhile similar articles in Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation from January 1997 to April 2004 w ere also searched with the same keywords in Chinese. STUDY SELECTION:Literatures concerning the differentiation of ASCs into neural cells,as well as experimental and clinical studies on their application in brai n injuries were adopted after first trial. Furthermore their whole articles were lookedup. DATA EXTRACTION:Totally thirty three literatures concerning the plastic diffe rentiation of ASCs and their application to brain injury were finally enrolled i n the study. DATA SYNTHESIS:All these literatures demonstrated the possible differentiation mechanism of ASCs into neural cells,as well as the efficacy of ASCs in the tran splant treatment for brain injury. CONCLUSION:Previous reports fully demonstrated that ASCs could differentiate i nto neural cells and could be used in the rehabilitation of brain injury.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation