对郑州市区及近郊200个采样点[地面水4个(郑州市自来水公司出厂水),地 下水196个(分散在郑州市及近郊)]水质进行连年监测,测定了郑州地区饮用水的含氟 量,结果表明以地下水为原水的饮用水含氟量较低,以地面水(黄河水)为原水的饮用水 含氟量适中.通过对本地区饮用水含氟量进行普查,建议对于长期饮用地下水(低氟 水)的人们注意预防龋齿病的发生.
The quality of water samples collected from 200 sampling location, including 4 surface water location (waterwork of Zhengzhou Water Supply Company) and 196 underground water loca- tion (Scattering over urban district and suburbs of zhengzhou) were monitored for years running, Re- sults show that fluoride content of the drinking water samples collected from underground water were low,and the fluoride content of the drinking water collected from surface water (Yellow River) was moderate. Having generally investigated the fluoride content of drinking water of Zhengzhou district, it's recommended that people who have been drinking the underground water for along period should take precautions against dental caries.
Journal of Henan Institute of Education(Natural Science Edition)