Objective: The normal features of TDI of the adult heart have already been described by many authors. Most of them sought to determine the left ventricular myocardial velocities using pulsed Tissue Doppler Imaging. To validate the use of velocity Tissue Doppler Imaging that measures myocardial wall velocities and acceleration and to define the characteristics of these velocities and accelerations in normal subjects, we obtained and compared the right and left ventricular wall velocities and accelerations in 31 volunteers. Methods: From apical four -chamber view, peak velocities and accelerations were measured within the basal, mid and apical parts of the interventricu-lar septum, and the left and right free ventricular wall in same heart cycle. Results: The highest peak velocities were obtained within the basal parts of all myocardial walls. The peak velocities within mid parts were higher than it within apical parts. Right ventricular wall velocities were higher than left ventricular wall during systole (isovolumic contraction, IVC, and ejection period, (Sa) and late diastolic (Aa). In systolic and early diastolic phases, left ventricular and interventricular septum moved before the right ventricular. The highest accelerations of ventricular motion occurred at isovolumix contraction within right ventricular basal parts (1.76± 1.46 cm/s2). In early diastolic, the accelerations of left ventricular and interventricular septum were higher than it of right ventricular. During late diastolic period, the accelerations of right ventricular and interventricular septum were higher than it of left ventricular. Conclusion: Velocity Tissue Doppler Imaging is useful and accurate method to assess ventricular wall motion and functions.
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health