形式和意义 (内容 )的关系一直是翻译界的热门话题。围绕这一话题 ,仁者见仁 ,智者见智。文章试图从新的角度阐述形式和意义关系 ,提出形式是本身具有一定意义的意义载体 ,并指出形式意义传译的必要性和可能性 ,同时给出了处理形式意义的几种常用方法。
The handling of the relationship between meaning (content) and form remains a hot topic in translation studies, on which various opinions have been presented. This paper attempts to expound their relationship from a new angle and proposes that form is the meaning carrier, which has its own senses. In this paper, the author also points out the necessity, possibility and commonly-used ways of transmitting the formal meaning.
Journal of Shaoyang University:Social Science Edition