Palpita annulata (Fabricius) is a newly-appearing pest insect, which damages the leaves of Ligustrum quihoui Carr. seriously, causes plants withered and dead ,and damages L. vicaryi also. It has three generations a year and over-winters as pupa in the soil in Hengyang area, Hunan Province. The adults of the over-wintering, first and second generations emerge in the last ten days of April, May and June respectively, and lay eggs in the top leaves of slender branches. Egg stage lasts three days,larval stage 9~10 days. The occurring peak of the first and second larva appears in the early May and the early June respectively, with most serious injury. The period of the over-wintering adult emerges is key time to control, and spraying the surface of leaves with 1:1 000~1 200 solution of 40%Omethoat EC, 50%Phoxin EC, or 1:2 500~3 000 solution of 2.5% Decis EC in the adult stage and larva stage is very effective for control of this pest.
Entomological Knowledge