飞秒激光脉冲以超高速和超高峰值特性将其能量全部、准确地集中在限定的作用区域 ,可对所有材料实现“冷”加工。由于在加工的过程中不产生冲击波 ,汽化物质也不把热量传给相邻的物质 ,因此避免了加工过程中热损伤的产生 ,得到了较高加工质量。和传统长脉冲激光加工相比 ,它有着加工材料广泛性、精确性高、能耗低等无法比拟的独特优势 ,在材料的微细加工等高技术领域有着广泛的应用前景。
s: Femtosecond laser pulses with ultrashort time duration and ultrahigh peak power can focus their total energy into a limited volume very quickly and very accurately, so that the melted and boiling materials can not transfer to the other material being cut the heat and shock, which cause considerable damage to the area surrounding the cut that can range from changes in the grain structure to cracking. Therefore, it realizes the non-thermal and non-damage micromachining of any materials and precisely removes the material and leaves the surrounding areas in their original state. It also has other advantages that conventional long pulses laser machining can not compare with. It has widespread applications in micromachining.
Electromachining & Mould