“译意”与“意译”都涉及“意”。语义学不承认“意”的独立性 ,阐释学不承认“意”的自主性 ,而“含意本体论”则主张恢复意义的本体论地位。根据“含意本体论” ,若要译意 ,就需意译。但意译不可能把意义整体地全部传递出来 ,且会导致“传统流失”。意译的这种缺憾可有三种补救办法 :多重定义法、重铸新词法、音译法。在“含意本体论”关照下“译意” ,可使“意译”达到“含意”
Translation of liberal meaning and liberal translation both concern meaning.But semantics sees meaning as a mere product of language, hermeneutics sees it as an object of comprehension,while the ontology of implicatives (OI) upholds meaning as an existence with all its properties.According to OI,translation of liberal meaning calls for liberal translation (LT),but LT cannot convey the whole body of meanings without loss of tradition.To make up for this deficiency requires exploitation of the target language,forging new words,even transliteration.Liberal translation under OI can reach an ideal freedom.
Foreign Languages In Fujian