高等教育的目的 ,是使每一个大学生得到和谐全面的发展。我们在大力推进科技教育的同时 ,也要大力推进人文素质教育。中华传统道德文化 ,是中华民族精神的脊梁 ,注重传统道德文化的回归 ,就是培养大学生作为中国人的道德感和神圣感 ,培养他们博大的爱心和责任心 ,铸造他们脱俗的审美情趣和宽广的思维方式。
The aim of higher institution Education is to of fer students opportunities to develop all-sidedly when science and technology ed ucation is being popularized.The humanities education should be at the same time reinforced because Chinese traditions and morals are the mainstay of Chinese na tional spirit.To welcome the return of Chinese traditions and morals means to fo ster college students' consciousness of being a Chinese,a sense of sacredness,a sense of great responsibility and universal fraternity as well as a refined aest hetic taste and broadened thinking modes.Humanities education is for all practic al purposes to cultivate the real Chinese literates.
Journal of Guangxi Teachers Education University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition