“五四”前后 ,社会主义思想得以在中国传播。社会主义之所以能够在落后的中国显示出非凡的生命力 ,赢得广泛的社会同情与欢迎 ,是与特定的历史条件、社会条件和文化条件相适应的。反过来 ,它们又极大地影响了人们对社会主义更进一步的认识 ,以致对于社会主义继承于资本主义并超越资本主义的理论内容鲜有深究。这些都给中国社会的发展带来了严重的破坏 ,是一个值得进行深层反省的思想课题。
Socialism was prevalence around about 1920. The reason that socialism could be extensively accepted by Chinese is that socialism was suitable to the special situation in old China. On the contrary, these features influenced the Chinese in realizing the essence of socialism and produced a bad effect on the development of the Chinese society later. So, it is deserved to get to the bottom of this question.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics