提出了虚拟企业的性能评价指标框架 ,涉及投入、产出、柔性和敏捷性 4个关键因素。投入评价以虚拟企业生产的产品为中心 ,分别计算供应商、制造企业和分销商的成本 ;产出评价包括最终产品和客户服务 ;柔性评价度量了企业在市场需求量、产品品种、交货日期、新产品开发发生变化时所具有的弹性 ;敏捷性评价给出了企业状态、敏捷性属性和敏捷性属性组之间的联系 ,以及企业敏捷性的计算模型。
The framework for evaluation of virtual enterprise performance proposed in this paper involves four key elements: input, output, flexibility and agility. Input measurement is focused on products, includes the costs of resource suppliers, manufacturing plants and distribution centers. The output evaluation is about the product and customer service. The flexibility estimation identifies the market requirement, delivery, mix and new product flexibility. The agility measurement proposes a mathematical model of system agility, which links enterprise states, agility attributes and attribute groups.