CAD仅仅用作绘图工具而没有合理的应用策略 ,是不经济的。未来的CAD应该支持“需求分析—概念设计—具体化设计—详细设计”全设计过程。介绍了产品设计过程模型 ,把产品设计过程分为七个阶段 ,提出了一个集成产品设计系统的结构框架 ,以支持产品设计全过程。讨论了实现设计过程各阶段集成的三个关键技术 :基于特征的面向产品全生命周期的产品建模技术、STEP标准和API技术。
CAD should support the whole design process:ananlysis,conceptual design,embodiment design and detail design.In this paper,design process models are introduced.The design process is divided into seven stages.A integrated product design framework,which support designers from early design stage to detail design stage,is presented.Three key technologies used for integration between design stages are discussed:life-cycle aspect product modeling technology based on feature,step standard and API technology.
Modern Machinery