应对反倾销 ,中国最重要的是法制的建设及有效之施为。针对国外对华反倾销的现状 ,国内舆论界对企业无力应对倾销与反倾销之批评有失偏颇。特别是政府部门在“入世”之后 ,重要的是“适世”及充分了解国际、国外的反倾销规则 。
In response to the international anti-dumping, the most impo rtant thin g for us to do is to create a new judicial system and take effective countermeas ures against it. Looking at the present situation of foreign countries' anti-dum ping against China, the press criticize China's enterprises for their being inca pable of dealing with dumping and anti-dumping. China need adapt itself to the W TO. We must fully understand the anti-dumping laws of other countries, and perfe ct our relevant legal systems on the basis of valuing the facts.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Technology:Social Science Edition