The struc! ure, currant transport process and light emission mechanics of Al-MgF_2-Au tunnel junctions which had been described in the authors' other paper are further studied here. In this paper, the authors correct some of their former conclusions, and concludeas follows: (1) The real structure of Al-MgF_2-Au tunnel junctions is Al-Al_2 O_3-MgF_2-Au, not pure artifi- cial potential barrier tunnel junctions. Naturally produced Al_2O_3 plays an important role in forming the junctions. (2) The transport process of electrons is, at first, electrons in Al films tunnel to the conduction bands of Al_2O_3-MgF_2 double insulators, and then, inject to the Au film posi- tive electrode. Tunnelling and subsequent normal transportation appear in the process simultaneously. And based on the model, the authors have given an interpretation, which is identical with experimental results, to the new voltage-current curve-log I∝V of the tunnel junctions at high bias. (3) After analysing the cut-off frequence of light emission spectrum of the tunnel junctions, the writers provide light emission of the tunnel junction is produced by the decouple of the SPP excited by tunnelling el- ectrons. And so there is a cut-off frequence 3, 4 eV (3600A). From the light emission of Al-MgF_2-Au junctions, therefore, the authors conclude the physical process of electrons' tunnelling exciting SPP and then the SPP's decoupling may be still in existence even if the thickness if the insulator film between Al and Au electrodes is increased from about 3nm to about 20nm.
Light-emitting tunnel junctions
tunnelling electrons
surface plamon-polarization (SPP)