在“改变了美国企业游戏规则”的零售业巨无霸——沃尔玛的脚步渐近声中,中国零售企业纷纷重新设定自己的游戏规则.确切地说,那应该算作应对之策。 但也许我们首先该问自己:看清那头“恐龙”了吗?
While the big Mac in the retailing industry which has changed the game rules of American enterprises is coming, Chinese retailing enterprises have begun to reset their own game rules. Accurately speaking, that should be regarded as a responsive strategy. But maybe we should first ask ourselves: have we recogized that 'dinosaur' clearly? Overseas retailing giants are entering Chinese market. If we don't expand our scale, we will hardly beat them. Chinese retailing enterprises always pursue the 'lower price because of scale', but to believe the low price of War-mart is just for the reason of large scale is quite a misunderstanding. It is customers who control the manufacturing industry. As experts warn, 'the struggle for customers of War-mart is not the most deserving alert, the struggle for providers is indeed its fatal strike for local retailing.
China Science and Technology Fortune Magazine