
在民主与权威之间——马来西亚政治发展特点剖析 被引量:4

Between Democracy and Authoritarianism:on the Characteristics of Malaysian Political Development
摘要 The relationship between democracy and authoritarianism is an important concern in the development studies.The scholars generally think that the rapid economic growth needs a strong and authoritarian government in the third world.But Malaysia’s experience is a challenge to this viewpoint.The authoritarian government pushed the economy forward but it could not conquer the democracy forces and reunited the society.So the authoritarian trends and the pressures of democracy constitutional to state power coexist during the rapid economic development for 40 years.The democracy constitutional though confronted with the authoritarian government,but most time they are cooperated companies.That is,the democracy is not purely for its only sake,but for the integration of the society and another choice of social management.If so,the democracy in west and east can have different meanings.And in this way,the third world may grow a new kind of civilization in the future. The relationship between democracy and authoritarianism is an important concern in the development studies.The scholars generally think that the rapid economic growth needs a strong and authoritarian government in the third world.But Malaysia's experience is a challenge to this viewpoint.The authoritarian government pushed the economy forward but it could not conquer the democracy forces and reunited the society.So the authoritarian trends and the pressures of democracy constitutional to state power coexist during the rapid economic development for 40 years.The democracy constitutional though confronted with the authoritarian government,but most time they are cooperated companies.That is,the democracy is not purely for its only sake,but for the integration of the society and another choice of social management.If so,the democracy in west and east can have different meanings.And in this way,the third world may grow a new kind of civilization in the future.
作者 陈晓律 陆艳
机构地区 南京大学历史系
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第4期2-11,共10页 World History
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