
核心移位的本质及其条件──兼论句法和词法的交界面 被引量:15

The nature and the principles of X-movement: A theory of the syntax-morphology interface
摘要 核心词在句法中的移位可以用来解释很多语言现象,但同时也在理论界引发了一场旷日持久的争论:复合词究竟是用句法手段构成的,还是来源于和句法不相干的构词规则?本文首先通过对汉语动补结构的考察,确定现有的句法手段不能圆满地解释某些复合词的特征,因此不能取代构词规则。另一方面,班图语里的动词汇合现象尽管在表面上是构成复合词,却必须用核心词的句法移位处理,已知的构词规则在这里无能为力。在这个基础上,本文提出一个构造复合词的新假设,兼取句法和词法理论的优点,并且避免了这两种理论的缺陷。班图语的介词汇合现象以及英语和阿拉伯语中的使动结构为新理论提供了进一步的证据。 For three decades, theoretical linguists have been debating over how morphologically complex words are formed.The syntactic approach contends that they result from the same principles/ rules that construct sentences, whereas the lexicalist approach maintains the need for a set of lexical word-formation rules independently of syntax. The syntactic approach received a boost from Baker's (1988) work on incorporation. This article shows that, in spite of its success, Baker's theory only deals with a highly limited set of data but is blindly extended to numerous morphological processes that are clearly lexical in nature. My conclusion is based on the examination of Chinese resultative constructions ,Bantu verb-incorporation and preposition incorporation, and the different classes of Arabic causatives. Furthermore, the basic claims of the syntatic and lexicalist approaches are shown to be not in conflict.Instead, if either one of them is true, the other is necessarily true. This discovery makes it possible to formulate a theory on the Syntax-morphology interfare that maintains the advantages of both approaches but avoids the problems of either. The new theory also promises to be maximally simple, with only one axiomatic stipulation
作者 李亚非
出处 《当代语言学》 CSSCI 2000年第1期1-17,共17页 Contemporary Linguistics
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