立三路线的出现并影响全局 ,说明农村包围城市 ,武装夺取政权的革命道路尚未确立 ;在抵制立三路线过程中 ,193 0年 10月罗坊会议召开 ,最终确立了这条革命道路。认识这一点 ,具有重要意义。
Lisan Political Line's emergence and it's strong influence on the whole Chinese revolutionary situation indicated that the policy of taking the power by force, first in the countryside and then in the cities, had not been established yet. During the struggle against Lisan Political Line, the Communist Party of China held a significant meeting in Luofang, Xinyu, in October,1930, called Luofang Meeting in history, which marked the establishment of a new revolutionary road in China. It is of great significance to understancd it.
Journal of Shangrao Normal University