由于刑罚适用的真空问题存在 ,法律确立公民的防卫权也就成为必然 ,而新刑法对无限防卫权的设立却又使得这种防卫权处于一个不应有的高度 ,并使其过分膨胀 ,由此所带来的一系列问题 ,既要归咎于立法者在立法思想上的误区 ,又与无限防卫权的设立在司法实践中潜伏的诸多弊端有关。
It is necessary for the 1997's Criminal Law of PRC to establish the defense righ t system owing to the vacuum problems on application to punishment existing. How ever, That has shown overextended and contributed to a series of new problems, n ot only resulting from the legislators' legislative neglects but also relating t o the defects hidden in judicial practice.
Hebei Law Science