

A Review of the Encyclopedic Work Studies of Inscribed Oracle Shells and Bones in the hast One Hundred Years
摘要 1999年是殷墟甲骨文发现100周年。8月中旬,在甲骨文的故乡——河南省安阳市召开了“殷墟甲骨文发现100周年国际学术研讨会”,来自海内外的200多名甲骨学、商代历史和商代考古学专家齐集殷都,交流研究心得,共商发展大计,大会开得非常成功。 The Studies of Inscribed Oracle Shells and Bones in the Last One Hundred Years edited by Profs. Wang Yuxin and Yang Shengnan of the Institute of History, CASS, is another monumental, encyclopedic work in studies of oracle bones, following the Comprehensive Study of the Oracle Inscriptions from the Yin Ruins. The main contents of the book consist of the discovery of oracle bone inscriptions, the formation of 'studies of inscribed oracle shells and bones,' an all-sided review of the history of this descipline, a comprehensive summary of the fundamental knowledge of the descipline, a summary of studies of the Shang Dynasty's history upon oracle bone inscriptions, and the prospects of the discipline in the new century. The work is characterized by the following features: comprehensiveness in the use of sources and authoritativeness in the formulation of viewpoints, great depth in inquiry into new evidence and truth, objectivity in the citation of material and fairness in the comment of historical events, and pertinence in the summary of historical laws, which will greatly inspire later generations.
作者 朱彦民
出处 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第1期84-89,共6页 Archaeology
关键词 《甲骨学一百年》 王宇信 杨升南 中国 文物考古 Studies of Inscribed Oracle Shells and Bones in the Last One Hundred Years studies of inscribed oracle shells and bones








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