关于晚唐五代敦煌归义军政权的行政区划制度设置情况 ,两《唐书》、《元和郡县志》、《通典》等史书均无记载。本文利用敦煌文献中的零碎材料 ,经爬梳考校 ,分类排比 ,基本解决了归义军政权州一级行政区划制度的大致情况 ,弥补了传统史书记载的不足。
The information about administrative district establishment of Gui Yi Jun Period from the later Tang dynasty to Five Dynasties(9th 11th century ) could not be found in The New Tang Book?The Old Tang Book?Yuanhe Jun Xian Zhi(The Atlas and Recordings of Administrative District System of Yuan He year of Tang Dynasty )and Tong Dian such historic classics. In order to restoring the exist historic fact of institute of administrative district of Gui Yi Jun period and to making up for a deficiency foundation in the historic classics, author spend years in studying Dunhuang Document extensively and proofreading all the relative information concerning the subject of administrative establishment. After a patient and assiduous working on Dunhuang Document, materials have been carefully distinguished and classified and put them in order. Those odds and ends materials from Dunhuang Document have served to revealing the outline of the administration establishment of Gui Yi Jun period at lest at county level.
Dunhuang Research