
实施“科技兴贸” 发展广西出口

Carrying on "Invigorating Trade through Science and Technology",Developing Guangxi's Foreign Trade
摘要 “科技兴贸”是党的十五大提出的“科教兴国”战略在外经贸领域的具体体现 ,它对于广西大力促进高新技术产品出口和利用高新技术改造传统出口产业 ,密切科技与外贸的结合 ,扩大广西出口市场空间 ,拉动广西经济发展具有重大意义。目前广西的出口商品形态、出口工作方式和服务方式都不同程度地落后于发达国家与地区 ,必须按“科技兴贸”战略要求 ,加强对开放型经济的领导 ,建立相关部门联合工作机制 ;完善思路 ,制订发展目标和规划 ;加强政府引导 ,不断推出扶持高新技术产业发展的政策措施 ,改善环境 ,加大投入 ,帮助企业实现出口商品结构向高度化转变 ;广西还应改进出口工作及服务方式 ,将高新技术开发区培养成先发制人的出口基地 ,同时抓好技术引进 ,间接扩大高新技术产品出口。 The strategy of 'invigorating trade through science and technology' is a specific reflection of ' invigorating China through science and technology 'which was put forward in the 15th CPC Central Committee. It is of great significance in the following aspects: promoting export of high- tech produts and reforming traditional export industries; closly combining science and technology with foreign trade; expanding space of Guangxi's export market and advancing Guangxi's economy. At present, the commodity form, work method and service pattern of Guangxi's export products have lagged behind that of the developed countries and districs. Based on this, we must stress the following essentials: first, to strengthen the leadership of opening type ecomony and set up a joint working mechanism in the light of 'invigorating trade through science and technology'; second, to perfect our train of thoughts and make up developing targets and plans; third, to enforce the leadership of government and put out policy measures to support the development of high-tech industries; forth, to improve environment and increase investment to help enterprises with high-level transform in the pattern of export commodity; and fifth, to improve export work and service ways and make high-tech development zone a striking export base and at the same time introduce technology and increase the export of high-tech products indirectly.
作者 李贵银
出处 《桂海论丛》 2002年第1期58-61,共4页 Guihai Tribune
关键词 “科技兴贸” 经济发展 广西 出口贸易 商品形态 工作方式 服务方式 invigorating trade through science and technology' development Guangxi export








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