

The Effect of Sialodacryoadenitis Virus infectionon the Growth of AH66 Cells and CellularImmune Responses in Donryu Rats
摘要 涎泪腺炎病毒已鉴定为实验大鼠的病原体之一(简称SDAV)。鼻内接种2d内可引起鼻炎。唾液腺、泪腺小管和腺泡上皮坏死。临床上表现为隐性感染的SDAV,感染可导致宿主的一时性的兔疫功能低下。本实验将AH66腹水型肝癌细胞接种给感染SDAv和未感染SDAV大鼠,以期观察SDAV感染对AH66癌细胞存活性和荷瘤大鼠细胞免疫的影响.50只(雌性、SPF、近交系、6周龄)Donryn大鼠被接种SDAV和AH66癌细胞。采用组织病理学,血清学,血中T细胞亚群分析等实验方法。结果AH66癌细胞在SDAV感染组大鼠肺内的存活率(90%)明显高于未感染SDAV组(40%),血中T细胞亚群在SDAV感染组CD4平均值的比值低于对照组。AH66癌细胞接种组CD4平均值的比值高于SDAV+AH66癌细胞接种组。同时SDAV感染+AH66癌细胞接种组的CD4/CD8的比值明显增大并倒置。以上的结果表明SDAV感染后,病毒干扰宿主细胞免疫功能从而对AH66癌细胞有促增殖作用。 ix-week-old inbred SPF male Donryu rats were inoculatedwith sialodacryoaden it is virus ( SDAV) and ascites hepatoma AH66cells. The effect of a local ized viral infection on tumorigenesisand invasive capacity of transplanted tumor cells was examined. Criteriawere used to compare the invasive capacity of tumor cells and alterationsin immune response of host animals with SDAV-infected or uninfected,inc luded histopathologic, serological, and indirect immunofluorescenceanalysis with cytofluorography of the T cells subset McAb. Based onthese criteria, the tumorigenesis and invasive capacity of the tumor cellswere found nore frequently in tlie lungs of SDAV-infected rats thanuninfected rats.The viral antigens were detected in the salivary glands.respiratory tract, and the lung tissue with tumor nests by immunohisto-chemistry. FACS analysis of lymphocytes isolated from the bloodrevealed that the CD4/CD8 ratio was decreased in injected tumorcells with SDAV-infected-rats,whereas the CD4/CD8 ratio was increasedin injected tumor cells with SDAV-uninfected-rats. Results showed anincrease on the invasive capacity of tumor cells to localized viralin fection and the increased growth rate of implanted asciteshepatoma might be related with the decrease of help T cells ofblood and the mononuclear cells of the lungs due to SDAV-infection.
出处 《中国实验动物学报》 CAS CSCD 1996年第1期10-15,共6页 Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica
关键词 感染 癌细胞 大鼠 泪腺 荷瘤 腹水 细胞免疫 接种 促增殖作用 周龄 Sialodacryoadenitis virus AH66 ( Ascitic hepatocarcino-ma) cell Cellular immune response
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