国际货运代理在中国发展的历史并不算很长 ,但在国际贸易和航运中日益发挥着重要的作用。由于货运代理含义及其法律地位规定的不明确 ,实践中产生了大量的争议。甚至从业人员也不清楚货运代理的明确含义及应承担的责任。本文从现有的法律入手 ,对上述问题进行分析、阐述 ,以提请国内有关部门对此引起足够的重视 ,并能尽快完善货运代理方面的相关法规。
It has not long history for existing of freight forwarder in China. Meanwhile the freight forwarders have played much more important roles in the fields of the international trade and the ocean shipping. A mount of disputes has occurred in the shipping practice because of the ambiguity of the meanings and the legal status of freight forwarders. Even the practitioners who work in the freight forwarding confuse on the problem. This article tries to analyze this problem with the provisions of some Chinese law and pose that this problem shall be solved immediately.
Annual of China Maritime Law