本文简要讨论了《海商法》修改学术讨论过程中 ,就其中“海上保险合同”一章涉及到的若干热点和重点问题 ,包括 :海上保险合同的定义、保险事故的概念、重复保险、保险索赔分类和最大诚信原则等。其研究成果是对修改或增补《海商法》
The thesis briefly reviews the most important issues of Chinese law of marine insurance in discussing the amendment on the Maritime Code of P. R. China, which includes the definition of a marine insurance contract, the concept of insurance accident, double insurance, type of insurance claims, warranty, open cover, principle of insurable interest and principle of utmost good faith etc. The writer put forwards his draft wordings of relevant articles to be amended.
Annual of China Maritime Law
交通部科技进步通达计划项目 (95 - 0 1- 0 5 - 13)。