结合教学实践分析了大学本科生中存在的不良学习行为的形成原因以及纠正这种行为的具体措施 ,指出教师重视平时的学业成绩的检查与评价可促使学生去认真踏实地学习 ,逐步提高其分析问题和解决问题的能力 ;考试对于学生的学习行为有重要影响 ,杜绝考试作弊对于形成良好的学习风气起着重要作用 ,分析了考试作弊易于成功的原因 。
The reason of bad learning behavior has been analyzed through teaching practice,and the actual method to correct this bad behavior is put forward.Teachers should lay stress on the routine investigation and assessment on academic record,so students could study step by step earnestly,and the capacity of analysis and solve problem could be gradually heightened.Examination has significant influence on the students learning behavior.It is important to form good study atmosphere by making examination fraud impossible,and the reason that examination fraud can be successful easily is analyzed.The method to prevent examination fraud is put forward.