目的 观察老年人术前自体输血的临床效果。方法 自决定施行自体输血之日起,入选病例每天口服多糖铁150 mg Bid。采血前1小时按预采血量的3倍给予晶、胶体溶液(晶、胶体溶液量比例为2:1),经外周静脉输入,然后经另一侧静脉采血,每次采血400 ml,间隔72小时采血1次,总采血量不应超过1200 ml。结果 除2例病人因术中失血量过多同时输注异体血以外,其余患者均未用异体血,术后恢复良好。结论 只要患者Nb、Hct、Plt在正常范围内,无严重心、肺疾患,在老年病人中开展自体输血是安全有效的。
Objective To further observe the effect of preoperative autologous donation in the elderly patients. Method The patients were taken Ferrosi Succinatis 150 mg every 12 hours from the beginning of autologous blood to the surgery operation. We drew blood through a CPAD blood bag placed in an antecubital vein. Three times of solution to the blood was simultaneously infused (Crystalloid solution to colloidal solution is 2 : 1). Results 30 patients were only received autologous blood transfusions, 2 patients were received autologous and allogenic transfusions because the amount of blood was losed during operation. All patients had not obvious complications. Conclusion It is necessary to monitor and normalize Hb,Hct,Plt in the autologous blood donation and preoperative autologous blood donation is safe and effective in the elderly patients.
Journal of Clinical Transfusion and Laboratory Medicine