
应急照明设计的若干问题 被引量:2

Certain Problems on Design of Emergency Lighting
摘要 本文说明了应急照明在现代建筑中的重要作用。介绍了应急照明包括疏散照 明、安全照明、备用照明三类,说明了各类应急照明应选用的照度标准和推荐使用 的光源。着重阐述了哪些建筑应装设何种应急照明,具体叙述了疏散照明灯及出口 标志灯、指向标志灯的装设部位和安装要求。分析了供电给应急照明的各种电源及 其具体应用,以及正常照明电源故障时转换到应急电源供电的转换时间要求,和应 急照明持续工作时间要求,还介绍了应急照明的配电系统、控制和线路敷设等内 容。 This paper narrates the important role of emergency lighting in modern architectures. The contents include escape lighting, safety lighting and stand by lighting and introduce the standard of illuminance selected for various emergency lighting and lighting source recommended to use. It emphatically elaborates what buildings need to provide with emergency lighting and what kinds of emergepcy lighting should be adopted and tells the ipstallation location and requirements of escape lighting luminaire, exit sign luminaire and direction sign luminaire, It analyzes various electric sources for feeding emergency lighting, concrete applications and the requirement of transfer time from power failure of normal lighting to switching on the emergency lighting as well as the requirement of emergency lighting duration. In addition the paper also introduces distribution system, control and line laying of emergency lighting etc.
出处 《照明工程学报》 1993年第1期8-18,共11页 China Illuminating Engineering Journal
关键词 应急照明 疏散照明 安全照明 设计 emergency lighting, escape lighting, safety lighting stand by lighting.
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