本文对应急照明的灯具进行分类,提出它们的基本技术要求,其中包括安全色和安全标志、亮度 对比度、光源、电源等,对灯具的防护要求作了系统的介绍,文中所涉及的技术内容对应急照明设计 有一定的指导作用。
This paper are getting on with classify of lantenns for emengeney Lnminaires, and intro- duces its technical reqniments. It consists of safety color and safety signs,brightness cont- nast,ligthing source and power supply etc. In addition, it also systematically introdnees the protective reguiments of lantenns. Above mentioned content have direct action for emen- gencg Luminaires design
China Illuminating Engineering Journal