从艺术方法看 ,同样倾向于现实主义的作家也具有各自鲜明的风格 :曹禺侧重于对命运的幽微思考 ,夏衍侧重于对社会生活的切实关注 ;曹禺善于从紧迫性事件中提取戏剧冲突 ,把生活戏剧化 ,夏衍则弱化外部冲突 ,致力于描写人的内心冲突 ;曹禺的叙述语调充满悲愤的激情 ,夏衍则是含泪的微笑。但风格无优劣 ,姚黄魏紫 ,各具千秋。
So far as artistic expression is concerned, writers with the same realistic inclination may still have their own distinctive styles. Take Cao Yu and Xia Yan for example, the former usually laid emphasis on pondering over destiny in a faint way while the latter paid close attention to social life. In their writings, Cao Yu was good at extracting dramatic conflict from imminent events and making life dramatic,but Xia Yan understated external clash and dedicated himself to the description of mans internal conflict. The narrative tone of Cao Yu was permeated with the fervour of grief and indignation, whereas Xia Yans was like a smile with tears. However, its hard to say which of the two styles is better just as one fails to tell whether the peony in the Yaos is superior to that in the Weis, because both have their own merits.
Journal of Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art