
魏良辅·汤显祖·姜白石——“曲唱”与“曲牌”的关系 被引量:9

Wei Liangfu, Tang Xianzu and Jiang Baishi ——Relationship between Quchang and Qupai
摘要 明中下叶之后 ,魏良辅 (及梁伯龙 )“新声”所规范的“依字声行腔”的“曲唱” ,在对明清传奇———南曲的发展和盛行起着巨大作用的同时 ,因其“依字声行腔”的“字唱”强化了“腔句”的独立性 ,从而对“曲牌”产生了某种瓦解的作用 ;而且 ,事实上已经出现由“腔句”自行组合的所谓“集曲”。这样的形势 ,对于曲作者就出现了是否必须按原先“曲牌”格式为“律” ,即如何对待“曲律”的问题 ,这就是晚明时期出现的两位大曲家汤显祖与沈之间一场著名的“汤沈之争”的实际内容。“依字声行腔”的唱与原先“调牌”既定格式之间的关系即矛盾 ,早在宋代“词唱”与“词调”之间就已存在、已出现了的。南宋时 ,当“词唱”对“依字声行腔”开始进行规范 ,“词唱”与“词调”间的关系即矛盾就已十分明显地呈现了 ;而在那当时 ,并没有出现如明末的“汤沈之争” ,而是以姜白石为代表 ,一方面须守“依字声行腔”作“词唱” ,又一方面则“率意为长短句 ,然后协以律” ,重组着“调牌” ,使“词唱”与“词调”出现重新组合即高一层次组合的趋势。然而 ,我国的韵文及其曲唱向高层次组合的发展趋势被蒙元灭宋所中断 ,其后再未接上。这 ,就是摆在我们今人面前的情形。 As qu ,a type of verse for singing,became popular and prosperous,more and more people showed concern for its writing and performing.Among them,Wei Liangfu put forward a new singing method.He said the characters in a qu should be sung according to the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics.His idea helped develop qu itself,but came into contradiction with qupai .Therefore,a heated dispute arose between Tang Xianzu and Shen Jing,two great writers in late Ming dynasty.Tang agreed with Weis viewpoint and thought it necessary to make some reforms in the writing and singing of qu while Shen insisted that qupai ,being the fixed rules for the creation and performing of qu ,must be strictly followed.Actually,trouble of the kind had taken place earlier in the Southern Song dynasty.During that time,along with some changes in the chanting of ci ,men of letters found it hard to keep cichang and cidiao working in agreement.In consequence,Jiang Baishi raised the idea of revising certain rules in cidiao to fit for the changed conditions of cichang ,and his idea was widely accepted by the literary circles.Therefore,poets and scholars worked together to realign the two elements and did their best to put cichang in harmony with cidiao at a highter level.However,their effort was unluckily interrupted by the collapse of the Song dynasty and the establishment of the Mongolian Yuan dynasty.Moreover,no one has been continuing with their research work ever since and the problem has been left over without a complete solution until present day. ci :poetry written to certain tunes with strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes,in fixed numbers of lines and words,originating in the Tang dynasty cichang :the chanting of ci cidiao :tonal patterns and rhyme schemes of ci poetry
作者 洛地
出处 《浙江艺术职业学院学报》 2003年第1期23-35,共13页 Journal of Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art
关键词 魏良辅 汤显祖 姜白石 曲唱 曲牌 词调曲牌 清曲唱 剧唱 曲律 戏剧音乐 quchang ,the singing of qu ,type of verse for singing,which emerged in the Southern Song and Jin dynasties and became popular in the Yuan dynasty qupai ,the names of the tunes to which qu are composed relationship
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