晚明高堂大轴行草是轴类书法不断发展、张扬极致的表现。它的出现主要缘于晚明时代审美风尚和晚明书家艺术追求的双重需要、明代建筑样式的发展以及纸绢等制造术的进步 ,契合了书法艺术发展的自律性。它的出现 ,标志着中国书法史上“三大转变” (A .案头品→壁上观 ;B .小字→大字 ;C .坐书→立书 )共时空、具整合性质的成功确立 ,极大地丰富和发展了中国书法艺术的内质。晚明巨轴行草以其伟大的艺术成就成为明代书法史乃至中国书法史上最辉煌的一页 ,并以它对明代书法在艺术形态上所作的最精彩的实践诠释而与各具风采的晋、唐、宋、元书法并列于中国书法史。它的成功 ,必将不断地推动中国书法艺术的发展 ,并一直作为后世书法艺术创作的一个参照。
In the late Ming dynasty the large scroll of running,cursive calligraphy (hung in the middle of the wall of the main room) is the expression of unceasing progress and further elaboration in scroll calligraphy.It emerged on the request of aesthetic standard and of calligraphers' art pursuit at that time. The development in the styles of the Ming's buildings and the progress in silk making as well as paper making just went along with the growth of Chinese calligraphy. The large scroll marked three successful transformations in Chinese calligraphic history:a) from short, simple artistic creation to horizontal or vertical hanging scroll calligraphy;b) from small characters to big characters;c) from writing while sitting to writing while standing. It greatly enriched the content of Chinese calligraphy, and with its artistic merits it became most splendid,being a milestone in the Ming's and even China's calligraphic history.Owing to its wonderful annotation to the artistic patterns of the Ming's calligraphy, the large scroll stood side by side with different styles of the Jin, Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties in the Chinese calligraphic history.This success will continuously promote the growth of Chinese calligraphy,and also be a reference for the coming generations.
Journal of Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art
the late Ming dynasty
large scroll
running, cursive calligraphy