系统的故障是通过检测来发现的 ,但是 ,如果检测费用高而且数额很大时 ,可考虑不特意进行检测 ,不管系统的状态如何直接进行维修替换。从这个观点出发 ,介绍一种同时考虑检测与替换时的分析方法 。
The trouble of the systems is usually discovered by means of examination. However, when the cost of the examination is high and the sum is large, a method of direct maintenance is used instead of the specially-made examination, without considenring how the system is working. Based on this, this article introduces a method of analysis when applying examination and substitution at the same time, and also deals with the structure of the best tactics.
Journal of Huzhou Vocational and Technological College
2 0 0 2年浙江省教育厅基金资助项目 ( 2 0 0 2 0 189)