在改革开放政策的推动下 ,私营经济得到了较快发展。党的十六大的召开 ,为私营经济的发展提供了更为广阔的空间。但目前就其发展环境而言 ,市场准入、竞争环境、融资环境等三方面外部环境不宽松 ;内部在法人治理结构和财务管理方面不完善。改善私营经济发展的主要思路是 :外部需提供宽松的社会环境、形成良好的服务环境、拓宽融资渠道 ;内部应从完善法人治理结构、加强财务管理等方面着手。
Driven by the reform and open policy, private economy has developed fast, It has also been provided with a wide developing space since 'the 16 th Party Congress' draw to an end. However, at present, as far as its developing settings are concerned, for the outer part, market investment, competitive setting, fund accumulating setting are strictly controlled; for the inner part, legal person governing structure and financial management still needs improving. The key method of improving private economy is, for the outer part, it needs to have an easy social setting, form a good service setting, and broaden fund-accumulating channels; for the inner part, it must focus on improving legal person governing structure, and enhancing finacial management.
Journal of Huzhou Vocational and Technological College