托尔斯泰主义是托尔斯泰对生命、生活进行深刻思考和体悟后为人生努力方向寻找的精神路标。尽管在某个历史阶段显示了它的局限性 ,但是 ,随着社会历史的发展和时代的进步 ,它对人生的关注、对人类精神的终极目标的关怀 ,对未来的积极意义将显示出来并引起重视。托尔斯泰的精神和美好愿望 。
Tolstoyism is the signpost Tolstoy found for the life struggle after he profoundly thought over and experienced the life. Although Tolstoyism has shown its limitations in a certain historical period, the caring for the ultimate aims of human spirit and its positive meaning to the future are revealing and will be attached importance to with the development of society and the advancement of the time. Tolstoy's spirit and best wishes are the values we as modern people should follow.
Journal of Huzhou Vocational and Technological College