
水面无土漂浮栽培花卉试验 被引量:8

Floating soilless culture—A new system for growing ornamental plants on water surface:
摘要 以泡沫塑料板为浮体,海绵为基质,缓效多元复合肥为养分,在杭州西湖水面对多种花卉进行无土漂浮栽培试验,已移栽和直播成活花卉20种:其中完全适应水面无土漂浮栽培的花卉7种(美人蕉、旱伞草、大花萱草、花菖蒲、月月红、河柳、香蒲),基本适应的13种(鸡冠花、凤仙花、万寿菊、孔雀草、百日草、朱顶红、荷兰菊、吊兰、鸭跖草、唐菖蒲、红花酢浆草、美女樱、金丝梅);它们都能在水面正常开花。与陆地土壤栽培相比,水面无土漂浮栽培的花卉有株体矮化、花径较大的特点,在园林景观配置中有较大实用价值。我们还对水面无土漂浮栽培花卉适宜的移栽期以及浮体厚度与种值孔的大小和密度进行了研究。 We developed a floating soilless culture system (FSCS) for growing (ornamental) plants on water surface in the West Lake, the scenic spot in Hangzhou, China. The system contains the foam plastic plate with planting holes fdled with plastic sponge as medium and slow-release complex fertilizer dressed in holes regularly (Fig. 1 and 2). Twenty eight species including annual, biennial and perennial herbaceous, woody, and water plants were tested. Among them, 7 species—common garden canna (Canna generalis), umbeila palm (Cyperus alternifolius), large-flower daylily (Hemerocallis middendorffii), Japanese iris (Iris kaempferi), China rose (Rosa chinensis), flowering quince willow (Salix chaenomeloides), and longbract cattail (Typha angustata) were excellently and 13 species—cockscomb (Celosia cristata), garden balsam (Impatiens balsamina), Africa marigold (Tagetes erecta), French marigold (Tagetes patula), common zinnia (Zinnia elegans), barbados-lily (Amaryllis vittata), New York aster (Aster novi-belgii), bracket-plant (Chloraphytum elatum), common dayflower (Commelina communis), gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus), red flower woodsorrel (Oxalis rubra), common garden verbena (Verbena hybrida), and golden St. Johnswort (Hypericum patulum) were well adopted to the environment of FSCS on water surface with normal growth and blossom (Table 1). Compared to those grown on soil, the plants grown on FSCS on water surface were shortened with bigger flowers (Table 2). These results suggested the FSCS have a good potential practical value in landscape design. We also studied the proper transplant date (Table 3) and the thickness of the foam plastic plate (Fig. 3) and suggested the suitable diameter and density of the planting holes in foam plastic plate for different ornamental plants (Table 4).
出处 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 1993年第2期104-110,共7页 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
关键词 无土栽培 水面 花卉 栽培 Floating soilless culture system (FSCS) Soilless culture Culture on water surface Ornamental plants
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