目的:研究激光量子辐照血液疗法( Laser Quantum Irraduation on Blood Therapy, L Q I B T) 的治疗作用。方法:47 名高粘滞血症患者被分入 L Q I B T组及对照治疗组,观察治疗前后的疗效及血液流变学变化。结果:高粘滞血症患者血液流变学各项指标均明显高于健康对照组( P< 0.01); L Q I B T组的疗效优于对照治疗组( P< 0.05) ;两组治疗前后血液流变学各项指标均有不同程度的下降,但 L Q I B T组的各项指标经统计学处理有显著性差异( P< 0.05) ,而对照治疗组的各项指标经统计学处理无显著性差异( P> 0 .05) 。结论: L Q I B T能明显改善高粘滞血症患者的血液流变学特性,从而发挥临床治疗作用。
Objective: Investigationthecurativeeffectofthe L Q I B T. Motheds: Thehemorrheologicchanges wereobservedin 47 case ofthe patients with hyperviscosaemia. Results: All the variables ofthe hemorrheology ofthe patients hypervia cosaemia,exceptviscosityofplasmas,weresignificantly higherthanthatofnormalcontrolgroup ( P< 0 .01) . Thecurativeeffectofthe L Q I B Tgroup wassignificantlybetterthanthecontrolgroup( P< 0 .05) . Allthevariablesofthehemorrheologyofthe bothgroup werelowerthan beforetherapy. Butthe variablesofthe L Q I B Tgroup weresignificantly difference ( P< 0.05)and controltherapy group were nosignificantdifference( P> 0.05) ascompared withthose ofbeforetherapy. Conclusion: The L Q I B Tcanimprovethe hemorrheologic propertiesin patients with hyperviscosaemia.[
Modern Rehabilitation