二十一世纪的档案工作趋向电子化、网络化 ,三A革命 (OA、CAD、CAM )产生了大量的电子文件 ,而且电子文件必然会成为今后档案管理的主角 ,本文阐述了电子文件的定义、特点和管理中存在的问题 。
The document management work in the 2st century is an electronic and netted one. Triple-A revolution, namely OA, CAD and CAM, has produced plenty of documents which will inevitably play a leading role in managing documents. In this paper, such aspects as the definition of E-document, its features and some existing problems in the managing process will be discussed. And the main point of this paper is the discussion on the method of how to strengthen its management in the whole process.
Journal of Changzhou College of Information Technology