In the Last 20 years,the fetching in of contemporary composition techniques and develoPment of musical instrument playing techniques and also the active participation of composers, caused the transformation of C hinese traditional musical instruments composi-tion from a mono-pattern into amulti-pattern.It can be traced as follows:1.the mergence of a new style of national chamber music;2.music pieces with mod-ern comoosition techniques make up the main part of national orchestrla music;3.the experiments on re-arranging the voece parts of the national orchestra and arremprs on its fixation;4.the promotion of solo music pieces;5.the wide acceptance of the combina-tion of Chinese and ewstern music styles;6.the com-bination of traditional Chinese musical instruments with electronic music;7.the new age of the combina-tion of traditional musical instruments with MINI;8.national music and POP;9.the combination of tradi-tional musical instruments with relative artisticforms;10.the individuation of traditional orchestra or-ganizational systems and its internationalizltion.