莫洛亚是 2 0世纪最富盛名的传记作家之一。他提出了诸多传记文学创作的理论 ,建构了当代的传记美学。本文从 (一 )传记文学是艺术 ;(二 )传记文学与历史学 ;(三 )传记文学的主体性 ;(四 )传记文学的视角等四个方面 ,对莫洛亚的传记文学观进行解读 ,并针对存在于当前中国传记界的错误观念 。
AndréMaurois, one of the biographical theorists rich in biographical writing practice in the 20th century, puts forward many aesthetic points which are favorable for the contemporary biographical writing and theoretical construction. From aspects of (1) biography as art, (2) biographical literature and historiography, (3) subjectivity of biographical literature and (4) perspectives of biographical literature, the paper attempts to give an interpretation of Maurois' views on biographical literature, and to present our understandings of biographical literature in opposition to the current misunderstanding in the contemporary Chinese biographical circle.
Foreign Literature Studies