论者多有认为杜甫与严武始终保持深厚友谊 ,但是 ,通过逻辑分析和诗歌的解读 ,我们认为那不是事实。杜甫与严武之间发生过“睚眦” ,而且这“睚眦”还不是小事一桩 ,杜甫酒后失言几乎招致杀身之祸 ,是完全可能的。反过来说 ,承认杜、严之间发生过严重的冲突 ,也便于更好地理解杜甫《立秋雨院中有作》、《遣闷奉呈严公二十韵》等一系列作品。
It was usually considered that Du Fu retained an intimate relation with Yan Wu , but this has been proved unreal by our logical analysis and interpretation of Du's poems The conflicts between Du Fu and Yan Wu came into being sometimes , and they were not trivial and counted for nothing Du Fu might carelessly say something real against the will of Yan Wu , when Du was drunken This mistake on the side of Du Fu would probably cause his own death On the other hand , while acknowledging some serious conflicts between Du Fu and Yan Wu , we can better understand a series of Du's poems , such as Poems Composed in A Rainy Autumn Day or 20 Rhymes Presenting to Lord Yan , etc